Nestify is an international company with local support team. They define themselves as very geeks , which already gives some peace of mind.


Nestify is very committed to security, developing its own solutions and its own updates to cover vulnerabilities in firewalls, kernels, etc. They offer several SSL certificate services (fundamental for ecommerce, and more), including the free Let's Encrypt (which I have already tried and it works very well).


As for speed, they have developed their own caching application for WordPress server that works at the server level.


They also include a free CDN according to the plan you choose. They also support HTTP / 2 ; this will perhaps be the most decisive option in the future when it comes to speeding up a website.


And with regard to the plans for hosting Woocommerce store, which are the ones that occupy us, they offer all this:


WordPress management: automatic updates and daily backups (very important, because these little things take away a lot of time throughout the year, and if you neglect them, danger)


Free SSL


Support 24 hours, every day of the week and through all channels (no need to tell you how important this is, or think about that you bother the web on a Friday afternoon and have no solution until Monday to midmorning)


The prices of the plans range from $7.99/MONTH for the most basic, to $49.99/MONTH for the Professional, which is what I have tried. Here you can see all the plans and prices .